Sabtu, Oktober 31, 2009

TNI dan Islam Menopang Demokratisasi Indonesia

Sabtu, 31/10/2009 02:10 WIB
Prof. Salim Said di Bucharest
TNI dan Islam Menopang Demokratisasi Indonesia
Eddi Santosa - detikNews

- Di Indonesia, negara dengan penduduk mayoritas muslim, ternyata Islam dan demokrasi dapat berjalan beriringan. Keputusan TNI tidak berpolitik praktis juga menjadi faktor pendukung demokratisasi Indonesia.

Hal itu dikemukakan Dubes RI untuk Republik Ceko Prof. Salim Said dalam kuliah umum di Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Rumania, seperti disampaikan Sekretaris III Pensosbud Airlangga kepada detikcom, Jumat (30/10/2009).

Dalam kuliah yang berlangsung pada Rabu (28/10/2009) dan diikuti 50 mahasiswa S2 itu, Said menjelaskan bahwa kesediaan TNI mundur dari panggung politik praktis telah membuat proses demokratisasi di Indonesia maju pesat.

Sementara itu Islam di Indonesia juga membuktikan dapat berjalan bersama demokrasi, meskipun masih ada beberapa kasus yang harus dihadapi seperti radikalisme dan terorisme dari sebagian kelompok yang tidak mewakili arus utama.

Salim bahkan mencontohkan penyanyi seriosa bersuara sopran Aning Katamsi yang muslimah, konsekuen berjilbab, namun bisa menekuni seni klasik Eropa tanpa masalah. Aning baru saja diundang tampil di Ambassador Concert Series, Praha (22/10/2009).

Lebih jauh Said juga menggarisbawahi bahwa tantangan di dalam negeri Indonesia dalam mewujudkan demokratisasi adalah peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat dan keamanan publik.

Sedangkan mengenai tuntutan disintegrasi, menurut Said Indonesia tidak harus khawatir secara berlebihan, sebab disintegrasi itu mensyaratkan alasan politik dan kultural yang kuat.

Dikatakan, bahwa transformasi Indonesia menjadi negara demokratis merupakan fenomena menarik untuk dipelajari, mengingat Indonesia sebenarnya tidak memiliki tradisi demokrasi dan mengalami naik turun kondisi politik dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir.

Kuliah umum tersebut digagas oleh Counsellor Politik KBRI Bucharest Eddy Mulya dan dibuka oleh Marton Balogh Ph.D, dosen pada Fakultas Ilmu Politik, Administrasi Publik dan Komunikasi Universitas Babes-Bolyai.

Selain mahasiswa, kuliah umum itu juga dihadiri para akademisi dari universitas dan Direktur Romanian Institute for International Studies Nicolae Micu, yang juga mantan diplomat Rumania untuk markas besar PBB di New York serta Dewan Eropa di Strasbourg.


Kamis, Oktober 29, 2009

Misery for 1.5 mln a month after Philippine storms

Misery for 1.5 mln a month after Philippine storms

MANILA (AFP) – More than 1.5 million people are struggling to live in flooded suburbs or crowded shelters one month after devastating rains began pounding the Philippines, and officials warn no quick fix is in sight.

The impoverished Southeast Asian nation faces a huge long-term battle to recover from the two storms that claimed at least 929 lives inManila and other parts of the main Luzon island, the government and relief organisations said.

"The storms and torrential rains... have left the people of the Philippines facing one of the greatest challenges in memory," the UN'sWorld Food Programme director, Josette Sheeran, said during a weekend visit to Manila.

After tropical storm Ketsana dumped the heaviest rains in more than 40 years on Manila on September 26, entire districts remain waist-deep in water and piles of flood debris still litter other parts of the capital.

In mountainous areas of northern Luzon that were pummelled by 10 days of torrential rain from tropical storm Parma which arrived a week later, villages remain ghost towns after being hit by landslides.

The World Health Organisation says 1.43 million people, mostly in and around Manila, continue to endure a dangerous existence living in flooded districts.

Those areas may remain flooded for months because chaotic urban planning has led to natural drainage systems along lakes being blocked.

Already 175 people have died in those areas from leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that is contracted from contact with flood waters contaminated with rat and cat urine.

"The solution is to get them out of these places," Art Pesigan, an official with the WHO's emergency and humanitarian action unit, told AFP, referring to those living in the flood waters.

Another 163,000 people who lost their homes in the disasters remain in evacuation centres, according to the government, with few options but to stay there and rely on handouts.

The government, which has repeatedly said it is not able to cope with the twin disasters on its own, has appealed for international help.

But although foreign governments and international aid agencies have provided crucial aid, less than a third of a UN appeal for 74 million dollars has been raised.

Amid the immediate relief concerns, the government is also having to grapple with longer-term reconstruction efforts.

One of the main concerns is that too many people, particularly slum dwellers, in Manila have been allowed to live in flood-prone areas.

A government report last week called for 2.7 million people in shantytowns to be moved from "danger zones" alongside riverbanks, lakes and sewers.

The plan would affect one in five Manila residents and take 10 years and 130 billion pesos (2.77 billion dollars) to implement.

Economic migrants who flocked Manila's teeming shantytowns are being offered free bus fares back to their abandoned farms.

But the government said just 300 families had taken up the offer, illustrating what critics say is an inept government approach to dealing with the long-term problems that exacerbated the disasters.

Richard Gordon, an opposition senator who also heads the Philippine branch of the Red Cross, told AFP the government needed to do more than "the stop-gap measures" announced so far.

He agreed there had to be an effort to move people away from vulnerable areas in Manila and elsewhere, but said a much broader perspective to the problem needed to be taken.

"The trick is to find new areas to put these people in, places safe from floods and landslides, but at the same time accessible to jobs and schools," he said.

Gordon suggested giving tax breaks and other incentives to lure businesses to new industrial zones in areas where there is already good infrastructure, such as the former US military bases at Clark and Subic Bay.;_ylt=AhrFtWmMWIyon0A938xZJysPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTMzY2wxOWhkBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDA5MTAyNi9waGlsaXBwaW5lc2Zsb29kdHlwaG9vbm1vbnRoBHBvcwMxOQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA21pc2VyeWZvcjE1bQ--

Rabu, Oktober 28, 2009

Draf UNESCO Soal Pendidikan Seks Anak Bikin Gempar

Kamis, 22/10/2009 16:17 WIB

Draf UNESCO Soal Pendidikan Seks Anak Bikin Gempar

Irna Gustia - detikHealth

(Foto: merinews)
London, Organisasi PBB yang mengurus masalah pendidikan dan budaya atau UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) tengah menyusun draf pendidikan seks untuk anak sekolah. Namun draf itu dikecam banyak pihak karena mengajarkan soal tindakan seks, aborsi dan homoseksual.

Rencananya draf soal pendidikan seks untuk anak itu akan diberikan kepada pemerintah daerah dan lembaga pendidikan di seluruh dunia pada akhir Oktober 2009.

Seperti dilansir dari Telegraph, Kamis (22/10/2009), pedoman pendidikan seks anak itu mendapat kritikan keras karena membahas topik seperti masturbasi yang bisa didiskusikan dengan anak-anak usia 5 tahun.

Pedoman itu menyatakan guru bisa melakukan diskusi kepada anak usia 5 tahun bahwa 'anak perempuan dan laki-laki memiliki bagian-bagian pribadi yang dapat merasakan kenikmatan jika disentuh'. Sedangkan pada anak usia 12 tahun direkomendasikan untuk mengajarkan tentang 'hak dan akses untuk aborsi yang aman'.

Laporan ini dimaksudkan membantu negara-negara di dunia terutama negara berkembang untuk meningkatakan pendidikan seks dan masalah kesehatan seksual. Pejabat UNESCO menekankan untuk praktiknya akan diserahkan kepada pemerintah atau lembaga pendidikan apakah akan mengikuti pedoman-pedoman tersebut.

Kritikus beraliran konservatif MP Ann Widdecombe mengatakan isi draf seperti itu sangat tidak pantas dan merusak tanggungjawab orangtua. Menurutnya, masalah pendidikan seks adalah orangtua yang menentukan yang akan membuat keputusannya.

"Satu anak mungkin siap untuk belajar pendidikan seks ketika berusia 10 tahun, tapi masih banyak anak-anak lain yang usianya 13 tahun yang tidak siap. Sebaiknya ini harus disampaikan kepada orang tua jika akan memberikan pendidikan seks," kata Widdecomb.

"Ketika anak-anak yang berwajah lugu usia 5 tahun datang untuk belajar seperti itu, ini benar-benar mengerikan. Haruskah mereka diajak diskusi soal masturbasi," lanjutnya.

Tim ahli telah menghabiskan waktu 2 tahun untuk menyusun laporan ini yang diperkirakan menelan dana 200.000 poundsterling. Saat ini laporan tersebut masih terus dibahas tapi nampaknya tidak mungkin mengubah secara substansial sebelum laporan itu resmi diluncurkan.

Mark Richmond, koordinator global UNESCO untuk HIV dan AIDS mengatakan, dengan adanya laporan tersebut tidak serta merta pengajaran tentang masturbasi harus dilakukan di usia 5 tahun.

"Itu memang disebutkan, tetapi terserah kepada orangtua dan guru mengenai apa yang akan dilakukan. Pedoman ini hanya sebentuk nasihat," katanya.

Pelabuhan Senilai Rp 74 M di Kabupaten Bengkalis Tak Berfungsi

Rabu, 28/10/2009 15:23 WIB
Pelabuhan Senilai Rp 74 M di Kabupaten Bengkalis Tak Berfungsi
Chaidir Anwar Tanjung - detikNews

- Pemkab Bengkalis Riau membanguan pelabuhan bertaraf internasional senilai Rp 74 miliar. Namun sudah berjalan 5 tahun pelabuhan menghubungkan ke Malaysia itu tidak juga berfungsi.

"Kami menilai pembangunan pelabuhan itu tanpa ada perencanaan yang matang. Kini akibatnya terjadi pemborosoan uang rakyat," kata anggota DPRD Bengkalis, Azmi Rozali dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom, Rabu (28/10/2009).

Anggota Fraksi PKS ini menjelaskan, dermaga itu disebut Pelabuhan Internasional Selat Baru yang berada di ujung Pulau Bengkalis. Pelabuhan dibangun untuk menghubungkan ke Malaka dengan waktu tempuh 45 menit. Pelabuhan dibanguan tahun 2003 hingga 2004.

Dana yang telah dikeluarkan untuk bangunan fisik pelabuhan senilai Rp 68 miliar. Ditambah lagi biaya pengerukan tanah pelabuhan Rp 6 miliar, jadi total Rp 74 miliar.

"Ini belum kita hitung proyek pembangunan jalan menuju ke pelabuhan itu," kata Azmi.

Pelabuhan yang dibangun saat Pemkab Bengkalis dipimpin Syamrusizal ini sejak awal tidak memiliki izin dari Departeman Perhubungan. Namun belakangan, Dephub memberikan izin. Namun dalam surat izin itu tidak ditegaskan siapa operatornya.

"Seharusnya kalau pelabuhan itu ada izin, maka operatornya adalah Pelindo yang berfungsi mengatur kapal serta bertanggungjawab apa bila terjadi masalah atau kecelakaan. Sekarang yang bertanggungjawab itu hanya Pemkab Bengkalis. Ini saja sudah masalah besar," kata Azmi.

Menurut Azmi secara kasat mata pelabuhan Selat Baru itu kurang pantas dibangun. Dermaga pelabuhan itu berada di muara Sungai Liung yang berbatasan langsung dengan Selat Malaka yang berombak besar. Kondisi pantai di Selat Malaka sendiri dipenuhi pasir dan lumpur yang senantiasa akan masuk ke muara Sungai Liung bila saat pasang dan akan tertinggal di alur sungai saat surut. Dermaga tempat sandar kapal didirikan di pinggir alur Sungai Liung yang sebelumnya merupakan daratan yang dikeruk.

"Saat uji coba ternyata kapal tidak bisa bersandar ke pelabuhan. Ini karena bila air surut maka dermaga kering kerontang sepanjang 10 meter. Kalau dipaksakan kapal bisa pecah. Sehingga dermaga yang menelana dana Rp74 miliar ini sekarang tidak ada gunanya. Ini benar-benar keselahan fatal yang dilakukan Pemkab Bengkalis," kata Azmi.

Lebih konyolnya lagi, Pemkab Bengkalis sebenarnya sudah memiliki pelabuhan yakni Pelabuhan Bandar Sri Laksamana di jantung kota Bengkalis. Pelabuhan ini sudah mencukupi untuk melayani rute ke Malaka. Waktu tempuhnya ke Malaka pun hanya satu setengah jam.


Selasa, Oktober 27, 2009

Kurang Sosialisasi, Program MDE di Mamuju

Kurang Sosialisasi, Program MDE di Mamuju
    SELASA, 27 OKTOBER 2009 | 01:09 WIB

    MAMUJU, - Program Mandiri Desain Energi (MDE) yang dicanangkan pemerintah pusat untuk daerah tertinggal seperti di Kabupaten Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat (Sulbar) kurang disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat yang ada di desa oleh pemerintah setempat. Hal itu dikatakan fasilitator program MDE Kecamatan Tapalang, Syarifuddin di Mamuju, Senin (26/10) malam.

    Ia mengatakan, salah satu program MDE untuk Desa Pasabu yang terletak di Kecamatan Tapalang, Kabupaten Mamuju yakni berupa program pembangunan dan pengolahan briket arang tampurung kurang disosialisasikan oleh pemerintah kabupaten Mamuju sebagai pelaksana program itu.

    Sehingga, kata dia, program pembangunan gedung untuk pembuatan briket arang tampurung yang terdapat dalam program tersebut, dikuatirkan akan menimbulkan masalah dan protes dari warga karena program tersebut tidak disosialisasikan oleh pemerintah setempat.

    Ia menjelaskan program MDE ini merupakan program untuk menambah pasokan energi primer yang cukup besar untuk mengantisipasi semakin terbatasnya sumber energi nasional.

    Menurut dia, dari sekitar 70 ribu desa di Indonesia, 45 persen di antaranya masih dalam kondisi tertinggal karena sekitar 6.200 desa di antaranya belum terjangkau listrik PLN.

    Ia mengatakan, program MDE ini diluncurkan pemerintah untuk menjadi sebuah solusi bagi terbatasnya energi negara ini.

    Selain itu untuk mengembangkan ekonomi yang produktif dan kompetitif di wilayah terpencil agar tingkat urbanisasi dari Desa ke kota dapat diminimalisir

    Di samping untuk memberdayakan dan memberi kekuatan ekonomi masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan energi yang dikembangkan di desa melalui program MDE ini.


    Editor: primus
    Sumber : Ant

    Minggu, Oktober 25, 2009

    UU Kesehatan Prorakyat

    Ditunggu! UU Kesehatan Prorakyat
      JUMAT, 23 OKTOBER 2009 | 10:25 WIB

      BANJARMASIN, — Undang-Undang Kesehatan dan Rumah Sakit yang akan diterapkan dinilai cukup bagus dan berpihak kepada rakyat menengah ke bawah. Kepala Biro Hukum dan Organisasi Sekjen Depkes Budi Sampurno di Banjarmasin, Jumat (23/10), mengatakan, UU Kesehatan dan RS berpihak kepada rakyat karena setiap lembaga kesehatan dan RS tidak boleh menolak pasien miskin.

      Bukan itu saja, bagi RS atau lembaga kesehatan yang tidak mematuhi isi UU tersebut, akan dikenakan sanksi pidana yang diatur dalam UU tersebut. Dengan adanya sanksi pidana yang tegas bagi RS yang menolak pasien miskin, UU Kesehatan dan RS yang kini dalam tahap sosialisasi akan mendapat dukungan penuh dari masyarakat.

      RS dan lembaga kesehatan selain tidak boleh menolak pasien miskin, juga tidak boleh meminta uang jaminan biaya perawatan pada saat kondisi pasian darurat.

      Budi menuturkan, UU itu prorakyat karena pelayanan kesehatan adalah hak semua orang. Pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah pusat wajib memberikan hak tersebut. Selain memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, pemerintah juga berkewajiban menpersiapkan sarana dan prasarana sumber daya manusia, seperti tenaga medis. Isi UU Kesehatan dan RS itu dinilai prorakyat karena selain mengatur soal ancaman pidana juga mengatur besaran alokasi dana jaminan kesehatan bagi masyarakat.

      Alokasi jaminan kesehatan terhadap masyarakat nantinya akan diambil dari APBN sebesar lima persen dan APBD sebesar 10 persen, katanya. Dengan adanya UU itu, WNI yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan tidak usah takut dalam meminta pelayanan kesehatan kepada pihak RS setempat.


      Editor: bnj
      Sumber : ANT

      Masyarakat Pedalaman Kaltim Sulit Dapatkan Kayu

      Ironis! Masyarakat Pedalaman Kaltim Sulit Dapatkan Kayu
      MINGGU, 25 OKTOBER 2009 | 05:27 WIB

      SAMARINDA, - Sungguh ironis! Masyarakat pedalaman di Kabupaten Tana Tidung, Kalimantan Timur, kesulitan mendapatkan kayu untuk membangun rumah, padahal daerah tersebut selama ini dikenal sebagai lumbung kayu bulat utara Kaltim.

      "Kami kesulitan medapatkan kayu untuk membangun rumah karena kayu hasil tebangan masyarakat yang sudah diolah menjadi papan dan balok tidak bisa dibawa ke desa maupun ke kecamatan," kata salah seorang warga Kabupaten Tana Tidung, Murdiansyah, Sabtu (24/10).

      Ia mengatakan, masyarakat penebang kayu tidak berani membawa kayu-kayu yang sudah diolah untuk dijual guna keperluan pembuatan rumah masyarakat, apalagi dalam jumlah besar. Pasalnya, pihak kepolisian gencar melakukan razia.

      "Kami bisa terima jika kayu-kayu itu dalam jumlah besar, bisa dikatakan illegal logging namun kayu-kayu itu hanya untuk keperluan membuat rumah warga juga dilarang," katanya.

      Hal senada juga diungkapkan salah seorang pengawas sekolah di Kabupaten Tana Tidung, Suyitno.

      Ia mencontohkan ada tiga sekolah dasar mendapatkan bantuan subsidi APBN 2009 untuk pembangunan perpustakaan sekolah. Namun, ujar dia, pihak sekolah kesulitan membeli kayu, karena tidak bisa dibawa ke perkampungan, lantaran takut dirazia dan dikatakan kayu illegal, padahal kayu cukup melimpah karena hutannya masih cukup lebat.

      Guna mencari penyelesaian masalah itu, mengingat gedung perpustakaan sangat diperlukan para murid untuk manambah ilmu pengetahuan sehingga pihak sekolah bersama Dinas Pendidikan Tana Tidung terpaksa mendatangi Polsek setempat untuk menjelaskan agar bisa membawa kayu ke sekolah.

      "Berdasarkan kesepakatan dengan pihak Polsek Tana Tidung, pihak sekolah bisa mendapatkan bahan kayu asalkan ada rekomendasi dari kepala desa asal kayu tersebut," katanya.

      Sementara itu, anggota DPRD Kabupaten Tana Tidung, Norhayati Andris mengatakan, kondisi itu memang ironis dan memprihatinkan. Kabupaten Tana Tidung memiliki hutan cukup luas namun pada kenyataannya masyarakat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan bahan baku kayu.

      "Dalam waktu dekat DPRD akan melakukan dengar pendapat dengan aparat kepolisian setempat yang saat ini gencar melakukan pengawasan terhadap illegal logging," katanya.

      Menurutnya bahwa Kabupaten Tana Tidung adalah Kabupaten yang baru dimekarkan dari Kabupaten induknya yakni Kabupaten Bulungan, membutuhkan banyak bahan baku kayu untuk pembangunan infrastruktur.

      Norhayati yakin setelah melakukan hearing dengan pihak kepolisian setempat, pasti akan ada solusinya karena masyarakat maupun pemerintah daerah membutuhkan bahan baku kayu untuk pembangunan sejumlah infrastruktur seperti gedung perkantoran, Puskesmas dan sekolah.

      Dia menambahkan, kasus krisis kayu tersebut juga di alami beberapa daerah di Kaltim. Tetapi ada solusi seperti di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, makanya DPRD Tana Tidung akan melihat dan belajar dari daerah tersebut.


      Editor: lou
      Sumber : ANT

      Sabtu, Oktober 24, 2009

      Largest solar panel plant in US rises in Fla.

      Largest solar panel plant in US rises in Fla.

      Acres of open land filled with solar panels is seen in a Wednesday, Oct. 21 2009AP – Acres of open land filled with solar panels is seen in a Wednesday, Oct. 21 2009 photo, at the DeSoto …

      ARCADIA, Fla. – Greg Bove steps into his pickup truck and drives down a sandy path to where the future of Florida's renewable energy plans begin: Acres of open land filled with solar panels that will soon power thousands of homes and business.

      For nearly a year, construction workers and engineers in this sleepy Florida town of citrus trees and cattle farms have been building the nation's largest solar panel energy plant. Testing will soon be complete, and the facility will begin directly converting sunlight into energy, giving Florida a momentary spot in the solar energy limelight.

      The Desoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center will power a small fraction of Florida Power & Light's 4-million plus customer base; nevertheless, at 25 megawatts, it will generate nearly twice as much energy as the second-largest photovoltaic facility in the U.S.

      The White House said President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit the facility Tuesday, when it officially goes online and begins producing power for the electric grid.

      As demand grows and more states create mandates requiring a certain percentage of their energy come from renewable sources, the size of the plants is increasing. The southwest Florida facility will soon be eclipsed by larger projects announced in Nevada and California.

      "We took a chance at it and it worked out," said Bove, construction manager at the project, set on about 180 acres of land 80 miles southeast of Tampa. "There's a lot of backyard projects, there's a lot of rooftop projects, post offices and stores. Really this is one of the first times where we've taken a technology and upsized it."

      Despite its nickname, the Sunshine State hasn't been at the forefront of solar power. Less than 4 percent of Florida's energy has come from renewable sources in recent years. And unlike California and many other states, Florida lawmakers haven't agreed to setting clean energy quotas for electric companies to reach in the years ahead.

      California, New Jersey and Colorado have led the country in installingphotovoltaic systems; now Florida is set to jump closer to the top with the nation's largest plant yet.

      The Desoto facility and two other solar projects Florida Power & Light is spearheading will generate 110 megawatts of power, cutting greenhouse gas emissions by more than 3.5 million tons. Combined, that's the equivalent of taking 25,000 cars off the road each year, according to figures cited by the company.

      The investment isn't cheap: The Desoto project cost $150 million to build and the power it supplies to some 3,000 homes and businesses will represent just a sliver of the 4 million-plus accounts served by the state's largest electric utility.

      But there are some economic benefits: It created 400 jobs for draftsmen, carpenters and others whose work dried up as the southwest Florida housing boom came to a closure and the recession set in. Once running, it will require few full-time employees.

      Mike Taylor, director of research and education at the nonprofit Solar Electric Power Association in Washington, said the project puts Florida "on the map."

      "It's currently the largest," Taylor said of the Desoto photovoltaic plant. "But it certainly won't be the last."

      There are two means of producing electricity from the sun: photovoltaic cells that directly convert sunlight; andthermal power, which uses mirrors to heat fluid and produce steam to run a turbine power generator.

      Taylor said a one- or two-megawatt project was considered large not long ago. The size has slowly increased each year.

      Overall, the United States still trails other nations in building photovoltaic plants.

      Spain and Germany have made larger per capita commitments to solar power because of aggressive government policies, said Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. And China has announced plans to pay up to 50 percent of the price of solar power systems of more than 500 megawatts.

      "If we don't get our market right and send the right market signals and really support growing this technology, we will be buying solar panels from other countries," Smith said.

      In April, Arizona-based manufacturer First Solar Inc. announced plans to build a 48-megawatt plant in Nevada, producing power for about 30,000 homes. Even that pales compared to recently announced plans for a 2 gigawatt facility in China. First Solar has initial approval to build it.;_ylt=Aj3MZGvwSWKSDf6PwLDh4w1v24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1MGZydWNiBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bi1jaGFubmVsBHNsawNsYXJnZXN0c29sYXI-

      British economy stuck in recession

      British economy stuck in recession

      A sale sign is seen on a shop window on Oxford Street in London, Friday, Oct.AP – A sale sign is seen on a shop window on Oxford Street in London, Friday, Oct. 23, 2009. Britain's statistics …

      LONDON – The British economy shrank 0.4 percent in the third quarter, surprising forecasters and dashing hopes the country would follow France and Germany out of recession.

      The disappointing figure leaves Britain in the grip of the worst downturn since official records began in 1955 and piles pressure on Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government ahead of next year's general election.

      Economists had expected Thursday's update from the Office for National Statistics to be a close call between growth and contraction. But most had plumped for slight growth — and few had forecast a drop large enough to take the total fall in output since the start of the recession to 5.9 percent.

      The persistent decline comes despite concerted attempts by the government and Bank of England to boost the economy, including holding interest rates at a record low of 0.5 percent since March, an unprecedented 175 billion pound ($290 billion) injection into the money supply and billions more through fiscal measures.

      The main opposition Conservative Party, already significantly ahead in the polls ahead of an election that must be held by the start of June, was quick to use the figures to denounce Brown's economic record.

      "Britain is still in recession six months after France and Germany came out of recession," said lawmakerGeorge Osborne, the party's Treasury spokesman. "We need urgent new economic leadership in this country."

      Treasury chief Alistair Darling defended the government's position, saying he had warned that the recession was always going to be "deeper and more profound than many people thought." He said there were signs of improvement — the latest data notwithstanding.

      "I've always said that it will take time to come through it, now our job is to support the economy as we come through toward recovery and whilst I've always said I didn't expect to see growth until the turn of the year, it will come. I'm confident about that," Darling said.

      But economists said the surprisingly weak third quarter figures, marking the sixth consecutive quarterly contraction, left little room for optimism.

      "The ... data are a real shocker and desperately disappointing," said IHS Global Insight economist Howard Archer. "It is impossible even to take comfort from the fact that the rate of contraction moderated, especially as the Eurozone and the U.S. seem highly likely to have grown in the third quarter."

      Britain was hit particularly hard by the global credit crunch because of its huge financial sector, where the government was forced to carry out a multibillion pound bailout of major banks, and higher levels of personal debt among consumers. Like the US, it also faces a collapsed real estate bubble.

      In contrast, Germany and France avoided credit-fueled housing booms. They were also less dependent to begin with on banking and did not need to intervene to such an extent in the sector.

      The two European countries have also benefited from so-called automatic stabilisers, including more generoussocial welfare systems that kick in during recessions and help support consumer spending.

      As a major exporter, Germany has benefitted from the recovery in the global economy, which has in turn led to a pick up in domestic demand.

      Both Bank of England governor Mervyn King and Treasury Chief Alistair Darling have said they expect some modest growth in Britain by the end of this year.

      But some economists have warned of a so-called "double dip," or "W-shaped" recession as pressures intensify in 2010 as some stimulus measures, like a temporary cut in sales tax, come to an end. Unemployment is also rising.

      "The fact that the economy is still contracting despite the huge amount of policy stimulus supports our view that the recovery will be a long, slow process," said Vicky Redwood, an economist at Capital Economics.

      Like many other forecasters, Capital Economics believes that Britain will struggle to reach growth in gross domestic product, which measures the total amount of goods and services produced by a country, of 1 percent next year.

      The pound plunged more than 2 U.S. cents to $1.6339 as markets factored in the likelihood that the central bank will have to increase the so-called quantitative easing program — buying assets from banks to boost themoney supply — when it meets next month. Interest rates are already forecast to stay low well into next year. Both measures can weigh on a country's currency.

      Derek Simpson, the general secretary of Unite, Britain's largest union, said the figures showed that Britain was "still paying the price for the greed and recklessness of bank bosses."

      "These figures show exactly why there can not be a return to the bonus culture that wrecked our economy and put thousands of ordinary finance and manufacturing workers out of work," he added.

      The third-quarter figures showed the pressure on hard-hit consumers, with output from retail, wholesale, hotels and restaurants falling 1 percent over the quarter.

      Services, which represents almost three-quarters of the domestic economy, was expected to register growth after recent gains. Instead it disappointed with a 0.2 percent decline. Industrial production shrank by 0.7 percent and is down by 13.7 percent since the recession began.

      Friday's figures were compiled with around 40 percent of the required data and could change in the next two months when more information has been gathered — the office's first GDP estimate for the previous April to June quarter was a contraction of 0.8 percent, which was later revised to a 0.6 percent drop.;_ylt=Ap55mrO0DXIrTh1TB3DB.8SyBhIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJvamFlamhzBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMDIzL2V1X2JyaXRhaW5fZWNvbm9teQRwb3MDMTUEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNicml0aXNoZWNvbm8-