Selasa, Juni 29, 2010

'Double Dip'? Or Did the 'Great Recession' Really Never End?

'Double Dip'? Or Did the 'Great Recession' Really Never End?

A Smith & Hawken garden store closing in Bevery Hills, Calif. (Getty Images)
Posted Jun 28, 2010 12:54pm EDT by Aaron Task
Monday's weak consumer spending data is the latest in a string of reports that has many Americans worried about a "double-dip" recession.

Then again, considering the unemployment rate has remained elevated, many Americans would be forgiven for thinking the recession that began in December 2007 still hasn't ended. Notably, that's the view of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the nation's official arbiter of economic expansion and contraction.

Among the signs suggesting the NBER is right to hold off in declaring the recession over:

Housing Rolling Over: Last week's housing numbers were horrific, especially the steep drop in new home sales. Still, Coldwell Banker CEO Jim Gillespie tried to put some lipstick on the proverbial pig on Tech Ticker last week.

Jobs Still Hard to Come By: Despite signs of recent progress, "there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession," a notably candid Vice President Joe Biden said Monday. Friday's jobs report is expected to show overall payrolls declined by 115,000 in June.

'Hair-Shirts' in Fashion, Worldwide: As discussed here, this weekend's G20 meeting shows that policymakers believe the time for fiscal austerity is at hand. From an economic point of view, the G20 confirms that the appeal of government spending (i.e. Keynesian economics) to combat the downturn is on the wane, replaced by a view that it's better to take the pain now and cut spending (i.e. Austrian economics).

Financial Market Distress: While the stock market's recent struggles grab most of the headlines, the real pain of late has been felt in the bond market. Excluding the panic levels of late 2008, the yield on the 10-year Treasury hit its lowest levels since 1962, last week. Meanwhile, the price of default insurance for Greece and other sovereign credits spiked higher andBloomberg reports the percentage of corporate bonds considered in distress is at the highest in six months.

The Downside of Falling Rates

Of course, the market is not always right but the bond market is signaling that policymakers like Ben Bernanke are right to be much more worried about deflation and economic slowdown vs. inflation and the economy overheating.

A big concern for many is that the economy is sputtering despite the Fed's historically easy policies and the government's huge spending binge. The idea we've spent all this money with little (or nothing) to show for it has some observers worried America is heading down the same path as Japan, which is about to complete its second-straight "lost decade."

Of course, it was unrealistic to expect the economy to indefinitely continue its V-shaped rise from the depths of last year. Most recoveries are uneven so it's premature to say what's happening lately is proof positive the economy is rolling over, as Henry and I discuss in the accompanying video.

Senin, Juni 28, 2010

Inggris Tutup 600 Website Milik Pemerintah

Inggris Tutup 600 Website Milik Pemerintah

Inggris Tutup 600 Website Milik Pemerintah

PARIS, - Kebanyakan pemerintah negara berkembang berlomba-lomba menyajikan sumber informasi secara digital antara lain dengan membuat website resmi. Namun, banyaknya website yang dibuat seringkali tak terurus. Hal yang sama ternyata juga dialami pemerintah negara maju seperti Inggris.

Pemerintah Inggris belum lama ini mengumumkan akan menutup 600 alamat website milik pemerintah. Sekretaris Kabinet Inggris Francis Maude menyatakan langkah tersebut akan menghemat pengeluaran hingga 100 juta poundsterling atau sekitar Rp 1,5 triliun setahun. Jumlah website tersebut mencapai tiga perempat dari website yang dikelola pemerintah Inggris yang mencapai 820 buah.

"Hari-hari buat situs yang sia-sia telah berakhir. Tidak baik memiliki website yang tidak menyajikan layanan berkualitas tinggi sesuai harapan dan kebutuhan masyarakat," ujar Maude seperti dilansir Telegraph, Sabtu (25/6/2010).

Ia mengatakan setiap pengelola situs pemerintah diminta melakukan review terhadap kebutuhan dana pengelolaannya, manfaat yang bisa diberikan, dan apakah masih bisa memberikan layanan lebih baik. Pada September nanti semua website akan diperingkat dan hanya 25 persen yang paling baik dipertahankan. Untuk sementara Pemerintah Inggris tidak akan membuat website baru kecuali atas izin dewan efisiensi keuangan yang dibentuk pemerintah.

Laporan yang dilansir Kantor Pusat Informasi Inggris menyatakan untuk membangun 46 situs saja, pemerintah Inggris telah menghabiskan 94 juta poundsterling selama 2009-2010. Belum termasuk biaya staf pengelola yang mencapai 32 juta poundsterling.

Minggu, Juni 27, 2010

Pemulihan Krisis Ekonomi Masih Rapuh

Pemulihan Krisis Ekonomi Masih Rapuh
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010 | 10:00 WIB

HUNTSVILLE, — Para pemimpin negara-negara kaya yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Delapan (G-8) mengingatkan, pemulihan ekonomi global dari krisis masih rapuh.

Kondisi ini membahayakan upaya mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs) tahun 2015, yang dicanangkan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB).

"Pertemuan tahunan kami (G-8) berlangsung di saat dunia mulai pulih dari krisis ekonomi terbesar sepanjang generasi," demikian isi komunike bersama pertemuan para pemimpin G-8, Minggu (27/6/2010).

Melambatnya perekonomian dunia itu mengancam upaya negara-negara berkembang mencapai MDGs.

"Krisis telah sangat mengganggu upaya mencapai target MDGs 2015. Diperlukan komitmen bersama baru," kata para pemimpin G-8 itu.

Dalam hal ini, baik kelompok negara maju maupun berkembang harus bekerja lebih banyak.

Para aktivis yang menggelar pertemuannya bersamaan dengan KTT G-8 di Kanada mengkritik dan menuduh negara-negara terkaya dunia itu gagal memenuhi janjinya lima tahun lalu.

Ketika itu, G-8 berjanji menggelontorkan dana bantuan 20 miliar dollar AS.

Para pemimpin G-8 berjanji memperbaiki mekanisme monitoring mereka sehingga di masa mendatang mereka bisa diminta memenuhi tanggung jawabnya sekiranya mereka mengabaikan janji.

"Kami, Kelompok Delapan, siap melaksanakan kepemimpinan dan memenuhi kewajiban kami," kata para pemimpin G-8 dalam komunike bersamanya itu.

Negara-negara anggota PBB sepakat untuk mengupayakan pencapaian target pembangunan milenium tahun 2015 guna mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan dan kelaparan, meningkatkan hak perempuan dan anak, serta memperbaiki mutu pendidikan.

Editor: bnj | Sumber : ANT, AFP

Sabtu, Juni 26, 2010

Sabtu, Juni 19, 2010

Bank Exim AS Berminat Biayai Proyek 10.000 MW

Bank Exim AS Berminat Biayai Proyek 10.000 MW

RI bakal menjadi pengembang pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar energi terbarukan terbesar.
Jum'at, 18 Juni 2010, 19:24 WIB
Arinto Tri Wibowo, Ferial
Pembangkit listrik dari energi terbarukan, panas bumi. (Dok. NREL)

VIVAnews - Bank Export-Import (Ex-Im) Amerika Serikat berminat membiayai pengadaan barang dan jasa untuk program percepatan pembangkit listrik 10.000 megawatt (MW) tahap kedua.

"Kami sangat berminat untuk pembangunan pembangkit panas bumi. Apalagi Indonesia merupakan penghasil terbesar renewable energy," ujar Presiden Ex-Im Amerika Serikat, Fred P Hochberg, di Kantor Menko Perekonomian Jakarta, Jumat 18 Juni 2010.

Dia menjelaskan, pihaknya berminat karena jika proyek pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar panas bumi itu terealisasi, Indonesia bakal menjadi pemimpin di dunia dalam pengembangan pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar energi terbarukan.

Dalam proyek percepatan 10.000 MW kedua, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) berbagi dengan pengembang listrik swasta (IPP) yaitu masing-masing 50 persen. Pemerintah menetapkan 93 lokasi proyek pembangkit percepatan 10.000 megawatt tahap kedua di seluruh Indonesia.

Ketetapan itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No.2/2010 sebagai pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden No.4/2010 tentang Penugasan kepada PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) untuk Melakukan Percepatan Pembangunan Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik yang Menggunakan Energi Terbarukan, Batu Bara, dan Gas.

Dari data yang dikutip dari Permen ESDM dijelaskan, PLN akan membangun 21 pembangkit yang terdiri atas 11 pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP), dua pembangkit listrik tenaga air (PLTA), enam pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) serta dua pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU).

Sementara itu, pengembang listrik swasta mendapatkan bagian untuk mengembangkan 72 proyek pembangkit yang terdiri atas 33 PLTP, satu unit PLTA, 36 PLTU serta dua PLTGU.

Sedangkan untuk pembangunan transmisi, PLN mendapatkan jatah untuk membangun 14 unit transmisi dengan rincian sembilan transmisi PLTP, tiga transmisi PLTU, satu PLTA, dan satu unit Pump Storage Upper Cisokan.

Untuk pengembang listrik swasta mendapatkan bagian membangun 35 transmisi yang terdiri atas 23 unit transmisi PLTP, 10 unit transmisi PLTU, dua unit transmisi PLTA, dan dua unit transmisi PLTGU.

Deputi Menko Perekonomian bidang Kerja Sama Internasional, Rizal Affandi, menuturkan, pada September 2010 akan diselenggarakan joint forum antara pengusaha Indonesia dan Kedutaan Amerika Serikat. "Dari pertemuan ini diharapkan berkembang menjadi kerja sama b to b (business to business) antara pengusaha Indonesia dan AS," kata dia.

• VIVAnews

A Simple Way to Become Wealthy

A Simple Way to Become Wealthy

, On Tuesday June 15, 2010, 4:23 pm EDT

My first real job was as a junior enlisted member of the United States Air Force. I had great benefits, but as a low ranking enlisted member my take home pay wasn't worth bragging about. I was earning a comfortable living for a 19-year-old, but I didn't think I had enough money to invest. It turns out I was wrong.

A talk with one of my mentors, a senior enlisted member in my squadron, made me rethink the way I viewed investing. During one of our conversations I brought up the topic of investing and mentioned I would like to start in a couple years when I had more money. He listened to me give several excuses why I couldn't invest and then he said something that changed the way I think and act about investing.

[See Tax Breaks for Retirement Investors.]

He told me saving and investing wasn't hard, you just have to treat it like a bill. He said, "When your paycheck comes in each month, you pay your bills, right?" I nodded. "So treat investing like a bill. If you want to max out your Roth IRA, divide the maximum contribution by 12 and send that amount to your investment account each month. If you want to make it easier, then go to the finance office and set up an automatic allotment from your paycheck and you'll never think about it again."

It turns out he was right. It's not that I didn't have enough money to invest. I just wasn't prioritizing how I used my money. Treating investing like a bill forced me to make investing part of my budget. I followed his advice and set up an automatic withdrawal from my paycheck and I began investing in a Roth IRA. I maxed out my IRA contributions in each of the eleven years following our conversation. That 15 minute conversation literally changed my life and might just make me a millionaire by the time it's all said and done.

[See You Can't Borrow Your Way Through Retirement.]

This concept of paying yourself first applies to different types of investments as well. Perhaps the most common way to take advantage of automatic investing is through an employer sponsored retirement plans such as a 401(k) plan, 403(b), 457(b), or the Thrift Savings Plan. You can also apply this to savings goals, Roth or Traditional IRAs, or taxable investments. In fact, many brokerage firms will waive account minimums if you agree to fund your account with a minimum contribution each month. Some brokerage firms even offer lower transaction costs with automatic investments.

Here are three reasons you should consider automatic investing.

It's easy. You don't have to remember to do it. Just set it up once and you know it will get done.

[See The Six Biggest 401(k) Mistakes.]

There is no emotional barrier. It can be difficult to write a check each month for a future goal when you have current wants you could easily fulfill with those funds. Automatic investing makes it easier to stick to your long term plans.

You don't try to time the market. Market timing is almost always a losing battle. For the average investor, dollar cost averaging can be a great way to avoid market timing and ensure you get your money in the market for a longer period of time. Automatic investing gives you the greatest opportunity to realize the growth of compound interest.

Ryan Guina is a U.S. military veteran, writer, and professional in the corporate world. He blogs at Cash Money Life and Military Finance Network.

Jumat, Juni 11, 2010

Sinking BP shares ignite trans-Atlantic rift

Sinking BP shares ignite trans-Atlantic rift

A BP logo is seen at a petrol station in Birmingham, England, Thursday, June 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Simon Dawson)

LONDON – The Gulf of Mexico oil spill risked turning into a trans-Atlantic diplomatic rift Thursday after U.S. threats to have BP fork out billions more for the disaster caused a precipitous slide in the blue-chip's stock, hurting retirement savings for millions of Britons.

British lawmakers are even pushing Prime Minister David Cameron to get President Barack Obama to tone down his stinging criticism of the oil company, complaining that the hostile rhetoric will have severe implications for pensioners with nest eggs in the company.

The share slide has since April almost halved BP's market value to 69 billion pounds ($101 billion), costing it the spot as Britain's biggest company — and some worry it could become a takeover target for upstart firms in Asia. BP said there was no reason for the stock drop, stressing its strong finances.

Because of the rising hysteria, Cameron is expected to discuss the issue with Obama on a routine scheduled telephone call over the weekend.

British lawmakers want Cameron to stress the blue chip company's critical role in the national economy — some 18 million Britons hold shares in the company in one form or another, many through their pension funds.

"I would like to see a bit of cool heads rather than endlessly buck-passing and name-calling," said London Mayor Boris Johnson. "When you consider the huge exposure of British pension funds to BP it starts to become a matter of national concern if a great British company is being continually beaten up on the airwaves."

Cameron and his Foreign Secretary William Hague, who are both out of the country on business trips, took a conciliatory stance. In Afghanistan, Cameron said he understood "the U.S. government's frustration because it is a catastrophe for the environment."

In Germany, Hague said he hadn't detected any anti-British rhetoric: "The important thing here is dealing with the problem ... that's more important than any rhetoric that any of us may have indulged in."

BP shares fell in London after the White House suggested that BP should pay unemployment benefits to thousands of oil workers laid off during a moratorium on deep-sea drilling triggered by the spill.

The U.S. Justice Department added that it was planning to take action when asked at a Congressionalhearing if an injuction was being considered against BP's plans to pay investors a dividend, worth some $10 billion annually, this year.

"You attack the dividend and you are attacking millions of British pensioners," said Tom Watson, a member of the opposition Labour Party who planned to officially table a motion in the House of Commons supporting BP.

BP shareholders receive a dividend payment every quarter. It has held steady at 14 cents per share, worth a total of around $10 billion, since July 2008. BP is due to announce details of its second quarter payment with its earnings report on July 27, but it can make changes before then.

There are also worries that Obama, who earlier this week suggested he would fire BP CEO Tony Hayward if he could, will tap into U.S. anger as oil-coated pelicans and turtles continue to wash up on devastated beaches and impose longer term sanctions that would prevent BP from bidding for new contracts in the United States, where it is the biggest oil operator.

But markets were also beginning to heed warnings from analysts who said Wednesday's 15.8 percent sell-off of BP shares in New York was an overreaction — the company has lost around half its market value since the spill began with an April 20 explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 people.

In London, the stock recovered some ground after dropping as much as 11 percent at the open to a 13-year low. It closed down 6.7 percent at 365.5 pence ($5.35).

In New York, the stock opened 9.8 percent higher at $32.05, clawing back some of the losses from a 15.8 percent rout on Wednesday.

BP said Thursday that it was capturing more oil in a containment system as it reported that costs so far had risen to almost $1.5 billion — a hefty amount but still manageable given the company turned a $16 billion profit last year.

Hayward has consistently declined to speculate on the final bill, but in an attempt to calm investors on Thursday, the company pointed to its supportive additional cash flow from other projects, its strong debt to equity ratio and its proven reserves. It had more than 18 million barrels of proven reserves and 63 billion barrels of resources at the end of 2009.

"We don't believe BP has a funding issue, but given the overwhelmingly hostile nature of the U.S. government the company may decide to suspend payments until the wells are capped and the clean-up sufficiently advanced to convince the U.S. that it can afford all the costs as well as pay dividends," said Evolution Securities analyst Richard Griffith. "Unilateral action against BP over its U.S. operations, be it unreasonable or illegal, hangs over BP."

Robert Talbut, the chief investment officer at Royal London Asset Management, a shareholder in BP, said "there is a lot of very irrational and short-term selling going on." But he added that talk of a potential sale of assets or takeover bid — PetroChina Ltd. has been suggested by some as a potential suitor — was not surprising.

"I can understand exactly why someone else would want to buy the BP assets because I think they are grossly undervalued at the moment," he said. "As a shareholder, it's not something I would welcome."


Associated Press Writer Robert Barr contributed to this story.